Leader of the Pack: Vicente Sederberg January 29, 2019 Rob Meagher Ancillary Businesses, Company Stories, Policy & Legal, Spotlight 0 Comments Well before most of us in the industry got our footing, Brian Vicente, a lawyer, who had clerked under/for outspoken social critic, Senior U.S. District Judge John L. Kane, founded Sensible Colorado (with grant money from the Marijuana Policy Project)… Read More→
Meet America’s first pot governor, Colorado’s Jared Polis January 9, 2019 AggregatedNews Colorado 0 Comments The governor-elect takes office at a significant moment in Colorado for the cannabis industry. Jared Polis takes office Tuesday as Colorado’s new chief executive — and America’s first pot governor. The Democrat’s long-standing support for legal marijuana, his embrace of… Read More→
Why did Khalatbari Really Resign from the NCIA board? January 9, 2018 Rob Meagher News & Insights, Spotlight 0 Comments By Rob Meagher Just before the holidays, Marijuana Business Daily (MBD) published a brief article about the resignation of Kayvan Khalatbari from the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) board of directors that could have a major impact on the future… Read More→
Why did Khalatbari Really Resign from the NCIA board? January 2, 2018 Rob Meagher News & Insights, Spotlight 6 Comments By Rob Meagher Just before the holidays, Marijuana Business Daily (MBD) published a brief article about the resignation of Kayvan Khalatbari from the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) board of directors that could have a major impact on the future… Read More→